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All Floor

26 Episodes

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All Floor
  • 10-Minute Beginner Abs with Gail Garceau

    Episode 1

    Instructor: Gail Garceau
    Level: Beginner
    Pace: Slow
    Components: Floor
    Objectives: Posture, Toning, Strengthening
    Focus: Abs, Core
    Learn to develop your body awareness, activate the right muscles and maintain proper alignment in your neck and back throughout this slow-paced ab and waist floor...

  • THURSDAY | Season 10 Ep.04: Slenderize & Strengthen your Legs

    Episode 2

    Filmed at Silver Sands Jamaica
    Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
    Level: Advanced
    Pace: Medium
    Components: All Floor
    Objectives: Toning, Strengthening, Weight loss
    Focus: Abs, Arms, Back, Spine, Groin, Hamstrings, Hips, IT band, Legs, Psoas, Quads, Thighs

    In this episode of Classical Stretch, joi...

  • Quad Stretch with Amanda Cyr

    Episode 3

    Instructor: Amanda Cyr
    Level: Intermediate
    Pace: Slow
    Components: All Floor
    Objectives: Flexibility, Stretching, Stress Relief, Relaxation
    Focus: Calves, Achilles, Groin, Psoas, Quads

    We use our quads for so many daily activities – keeping them flexible is important to remain active, injury and ...

  • Hip Stretch with Meg Feeney

    Episode 4

    Instructor: Meg Feeney
    Level: Beginner
    Pace: Slow
    Components: All Floor
    Objectives: Flexibility, Stretching, Mobility, Range of Motion, Pain Relief, Restore, Healing, Stress Relief, Relaxation
    Focus: Butt, Glutes, Hamstring, Hips, IT Band, Knees, Legs, Psoas

    Whether you spend your day sitting at...

  • Season 10 Ep.09: Stress Release

    Episode 5

    Filmed at Silver Sands Jamaica
    Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
    Level: Intermediate
    Pace: Slow
    Components: All Floor
    Objectives: Connective Tissue, Flexibility, Stretching, Mobility, Range of Motion, Pain relief, Restore, Healing, Relaxation, Stress relief
    Focus: Back, Spine, Butt, Glutes, Groin...

  • Leg & Butt Sculpting: Floor Portion with Meg Feeney

    Episode 6

    Instructor: Meg Feeney
    Level: Advanced
    Pace: Medium
    Components: All Floor
    Objectives: Toning, Strengthening
    Focus: Lower Body, Abs, Butt, Glutes, Core, Hips, Legs, Thighs, Waist

    This fun, easy-to-follow toning workout will get your full body moving with a focus on the butt, thighs, and legs. You...

  • Season 9 Ep.08: Pain Relief: Quad & Hips

    Episode 7

    Filmed at Occidental Hotels & Resorts Mexico
    Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
    Level: Intermediate
    Pace: Slow
    Components: All Floor
    Objectives: Flexibility, Stretching, Pain Relief, Stress Relief, Relaxation, Toning, Strengthening
    Focus: Lower Body, Abs, Back, Spine, Core, Groin, Hamstrings, Hips...

  • Season 10 Ep.24: Waist Slenderizing

    Episode 8

    Filmed at Silver Sands Jamaica
    Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
    Level: Advanced
    Pace: Medium
    Components: All Floor
    Objectives: Toning, Strengthening, Weight loss
    Focus: Abs, Back, Spine, Butt, Glutes, Core, Hips, Quads, Thighs, Ribs, Waist

  • Workout 2: Floor Exercises with Miranda Esmonde-White

    Episode 9

    Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White & Ileana Ripas
    Level: Beginner
    Pace: Slow
    Components: All Floor
    Objectives: Flexibility, Stretching, Pain Relief, Stress Relief, Relaxation, Toning, Strengthening
    Focus: Abs, Back, Spine, Butt, Glutes, Core, Groin, Hamstrings, Hands, Wrists, Fingers, Hips, Legs, ...

  • Season 9 Ep.26: Pain Relief: Pain Prevention

    Episode 10

    Filmed at Occidental Hotels & Resorts Mexico
    Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
    Level: Beginner, Intermediate
    Pace: Slow
    Components: All Floor
    Objectives: Cycling, Spinning, Flexibility, Stretching, Mobility, Range of Motion, Pain Relief, Stress Relief, Relaxation, Toning, Strengthening
    Focus: Ful...

  • Season 10 Ep.16: Strengthen Your Spine & Abs

    Episode 11

    Filmed at Silver Sands Jamaica
    Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
    Level: Intermediate
    Pace: Slow
    Components: All Floor
    Objectives: Flexibility, Stretching, Toning, Strengthening
    Focus: Abs, Back, Spine, Core, Hamstrings, Hips, IT band

  • Season 8 Ep.07: Elongating Your Muscles

    Episode 12

    Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
    Level: Advanced
    Pace: Slow
    Components: All Floor
    Objectives: Toning, Strengthening
    Focus: Ankles, Back, Spine, Butt, Glutes, Core, Feet, Toes, Groin, Hips, IT band, Legs, Psoas, Quads, Thighs

  • Additional Tips for Delivery Day with Miranda Esmonde-White

    Episode 13

    All floor

    After you have consulted your doctor, try our ESSENTRICS Pregnancy Workout. Hosted by Miranda and Ileana Ripas (pictured above, who taught ESSENTRICS until she was 8 ½ months pregnant), this dynamic full-body workout will keep you fit and help relieve and prevent pregnancy ...

  • Full Body Workout Vol.3 - Floor Portion with Miranda Esmonde-White

    Episode 14

    Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
    Level: Intermediate
    Pace: Medium
    Components: All Floor
    Objectives: Toning, Strengthening
    Focus: Lower Body, Abs, Butt, Glutes, Hamstrings, Hips, IT Band, Thighs, Waist

    This is the floor portion of Full Body Workout Vol.3.

    Unlock your body with this deep stretch...

  • Season 8 Ep.14: Unlock Your Hips

    Episode 15

    Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
    Level: Intermediate
    Pace: Slow
    Components: All Floor
    Objectives: Connective Tissue, Flexibility, Stretching, Mobility, Range of Motion, Restore, Healing
    Focus: Abs, Butt, Glutes, Groin, Hamstrings, Hips, IT band, Knees, Legs, Neck, Psoas, Quads, Thighs

  • Tonification au sol avec Sahra Esmonde-White

    Episode 16

    Instructrice: Sahra Esmonde-White
    Niveau d’entraînement: Intermédiaire
    Rythme: Lent
    Type d’entraînement: Au sol
    Objectifs: Tonification musculaire, Raffermissement musculaire, Perte de poids
    Zones ciblées: Fessiers, Aines, Hanches, Quadriceps, Cuisses

    Tonification au sol | Amincissement des cui...

  • Leg Toning with Amanda Cyr

    Episode 17

    Instructor: Amanda Cyr
    Level: Intermediate
    Pace: Medium
    Components: All Floor
    Objectives: Toning, Strengthening
    Focus: Butt, Glutes, Legs, Quads

    This 10-minute floor workout with Amanda Cyr will strengthen and sculpt the full musculature of your legs by isolating each of the major muscle groups.

  • Barre Workout: Floor Toning with Sahra Esmonde-White

    Episode 18

    Instructor: Sahra Esmonde-White
    Level: Intermediate
    Pace: Slow
    Components: All Floor
    Objectives: Toning, Strengthening, Weight Loss
    Focus: Lower Body, Butt, Glutes, Groin, Hips, Quads, Thighs

    Floor Toning: Thigh & Quad Thinning with Sahra Esmonde-White

  • Season 10 Ep.29: Deep Full Body Flexibility

    Episode 19

    Filmed at Silver Sands Jamaica
    Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
    Level: Intermediate
    Pace: Slow
    Components: All Floor
    Objectives: Connective Tissue, Flexibility, Stretching, Mobility, Range of Motion, Pain relief, Restore, Healing, Relaxation, Stress relief
    Focus: Back, Spine, Butt, Glutes, Groin...

  • Étirements au sol avec Sahra Esmonde-White

    Episode 20

    Instructrice: Sahra Esmonde-White
    Niveau d’entraînement: Débutant
    Rythme: Lent
    Type d’entraînement: Au sol
    Objectifs: Flexibilité, Assouplissement, Mobilité, Amplitude de mouvement, Réadaptation, Guérison
    Zones ciblées: Dos, Colonne Vertébrale, Fessiers, Aines, Ischio-jambiers, Hanches, Bandelet...

  • Season 10 Ep.12: Quad Slenderizing

    Episode 21

    Filmed at Silver Sands Jamaica
    Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
    Level: Advanced
    Pace: Medium
    Components: All Floor
    Objectives: Toning, Strengthening
    Focus: Abs, Back, Spine, Butt, Glutes, Hips, Quads, Thighs, Waist

    In this episode of Classical Stretch, join Miranda Esmonde-White at the Rock Hil...

  • Season 9 Ep.10: Pain Relief: For the Back & Knees

    Episode 22

    Filmed at Occidental Hotels & Resorts Mexico
    Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
    Level: Beginner
    Pace: Slow
    Components: All Floor
    Objectives: Connective Tissue, Flexibility, Stretching, Mobility, Range of Motion, Pain Relief, Restore, Healing, Stress Relief, Relaxation, Yoga
    Focus: Full Body, Abs, ...

  • Barre Workout: Floor Stretch with Sahra Esmonde-White

    Episode 23

    Instructor: Sahra Esmonde-White
    Level: Beginner
    Pace: Slow
    Components: All Floor
    Objectives: Connective Tissue, Flexibility, Stretching, Mobility, Range of Motion, Pain relief, Restore, Healing
    Focus: Lower Body, Back, Spine, Butt, Glutes, Groin, Hamstrings, Hips, IT band, Legs

    Floor Stretch: Hi...

  • Butt Toning with Meg Feeney

    Episode 24

    Instructor: Meg Feeney
    Level: Intermediate, Advanced
    Pace: Medium, Fast
    Components: All Floor
    Objectives: Toning, Stretching, Weight-loss
    Focus: Butt, Glutes, Core, Hips, Legs, Thighs, Waist

    Activate your glutes, thighs, hips, and legs with this 10-minute butt toning workout. This workout will s...