70s+ | Improve & Maintain ROM
23 Seasons
Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Pace: Slow to Medium
Your 70s+: The Freedom Years
Our 21-Day Range of Motion Challenge is designed to rekindle the joy of a pain-free and vibrant body — by maintaining strength, energy, and agility for simple daily tasks.
The program specializes in promoting both physical and mental well-being through gentle, low-impact workouts, incorporating coordinated and full-body movements. One of the most remarkable and gratifying aspects of these workouts is how they balance your entire muscular structure, strengthen your bones and support your joints – leaving you feeling rejuvenated and empowered. It's your passport to not just navigating but thriving in your seventies and beyond.
Download Your 70s+ 21-Day Challenge 2023 Schedule
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01:09Episode 1
Introduction | 70s+
Episode 1
Welcome to your 70s+ 21-Day Challenge!
26:32Episode 2
Connective Tissue | 70s+ Challenge
Episode 2
Standing & Barre | 30 min
For today’s class join Miranda-Esmonde-White for a gentle class full body workout that will work on hydrating and loosening your connective tissues, that will maximize your range of motion and reinforce your posture, upper body and balance.
Great for all ages an...
70s Workout: Increase your Range of Motion with Miranda Esmonde-White
Episode 3
Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
Level: Intermediate
Pace: Slow
Components: Standing and Floor
Objectives: Toning, Strengthening, Connective Tissue, Flexibility, Stretching, Mobility, Range of Motion, Restore, Healing
Focus: Full Body, Ankles, Back, Spine, Butt, Glutes, Calves, Achilles, Shins, ... -
24:57Episode 4
Season 14 Ep. 14: Hip Strengthening
Episode 4
Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
Level: Beginner / Intermediate
Pace: Slow / Medium
Components: Standing and Barre
Objectives: Balance, Flexibility, Stretching, Mobility, Range of Motion, Toning, Strengthening
Focus: Arms, Back, Spine, Butt, Glutes, Calves, Achilles, Shins, Core, Groin, Hamstri... -
31:37Episode 5
Stretch & Release | 70s+ Challenge
Episode 5
All Standing | 30 min
Join Dyan for a standing stretch and release workout designed to help you build strength, flexibility and improve your range of motio...
33:55Episode 6
70s+ Class: Improve Your Flexibility
Episode 6
Standing & Barre | 30 min
Join Jenny Bertrand for a full body Essentrics class. Continue improving your flexibility with today’s workout!
23:43Episode 7
Season 11 Ep.06: Knee Strengthening
Episode 7
Filmed at Grand Palladium Colonial Resort & Spa
Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
Level: Beginner
Pace: Medium
Components: Standing and Barre
Objectives: Balance, Flexibility/Stretching
Focus: Ankles, Calves, Achilles, Feet, Toes, Hips, Knees, Legs, Quads, ThighsJoin Miranda Esmonde-White outsi...
Hip Pain Relief with Miranda Esmonde-White
Episode 8
Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
Level: Beginner
Pace: Slow
Components: Standing, Barre & FloorObjectives: Connective Tissue, Cycling, Spinning, Flexibility, Stretching, Mobility, Range of Motion, Pain relief, Pregnancy, Restore, Healing, Stress Relief, Relaxation, Yoga, Arthritis, Back P...
Connective Tissue | Workshop Class | 70s+ Challenge
Episode 9
Standing & Barre | 30 min
Join Miranda Esmonde-White for this educational workshop style class. Workshop classes are designed to help one gain a stronger sense of body awareness within each class, this will help you not only get more out of each exercise but also provide a solid foundation an...
23:26Episode 10
Season 11 Ep.02: Posture Workout
Episode 10
Filmed at Grand Palladium Colonial Resort & Spa
Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
Level: Beginner
Pace: Medium
Components: Standing and Barre
Objectives: Cycling/Spinning, Flexibility, Stretching, Hockey, Mobility, Range of Motion, Posture, Running
Focus: Lower body, Ankles, Back, Spine, Core, Fe... -
37:45Episode 11
70s+ Class: Improve Your Posture
Episode 11
Standing & Floor | 35 min
Join Miranda for a class that will unlock your spine by stretching and lubricating connective tissue in your back, chest and core. By gently and effectively working on your range of motion, your joints in your spine, hips and feet will feel liberated, making you feel ta...
24:29Episode 12
Season 14 Ep. 17: Improve Your Balance
Episode 12
Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
Level: Intermediate
Pace: Medium
Components: All Standing
Objectives: Balance, Flexibility, Stretching, Mobility, Range of Motion, Toning, Strengthening
Focus: Back, Spine, Butt, Glutes, Calves, Achilles, Shins, Core, Hamstrings, Hands, Wrists, Fingers, Hips, IT... -
28:52Episode 13
Mobility with Miranda Esmonde-White
Episode 13
Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
Level: Beginner
Pace: Slow
Components: Standing and Floor
Objectives: Connective Tissue, Mobility, Range of Motion, Pain Relief
Focus: Full BodyOne of the most obvious physical signs of aging is our level of mobility. Low mobility can mean difficulty with daily...
24:44Episode 14
Season 14 Ep.02: Hamstring Stretch
Episode 14
Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Pace: Medium
Components: Standing and Barre
Objectives: Posture
Focus: Ankles, Arms, Back, Spine, Butt, Glutes, Calves, Achilles, Shins, Feet, Hamstrings, Hands, Wrist, Fingers, Hips, Pectorals, Chest, Ribs, Shoulders.Did you know ...
31:17Episode 15
Tension Release with Meg Feeney
Episode 15
Instructor: Meg Feeney
Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Pace: Slow
Components: Standing and Barre
Objectives: Flexibility, Stretching, Increase Energy, Mobility, Range of Motion, Pain Relief, Restore, Healing, Stress Relief, Relaxation
Focus: Full Body, Ankles, Back, Butt, Glutes, Calves, Achilles,... -
26:16Episode 16
Connective Tissue | 70s+ Challenge
Episode 16
Standing & Barre | 30 min
For today’s class join Miranda-Esmonde-White for a gentle class full body workout that will work on hydrating and loosening your connective tissues, that will maximize your range of motion and reinforce your posture, upper body and balance.
Full Body Toning & Floor with Sahra Esmonde-White
Episode 17
Instructor: Sahra Esmonde-White
Level: Beginner
Pace: Medium
Components: Standing and Floor
Objectives: Balance, Flexibility, Stretching, Mobility, Range of Motion, Posture, Toning, Strengthening
Focus: Full body, Abs, Ankles, Arms, Back, Spine, Butt, Glutes, Core, Feet, Toes, Groin, Hamstrings, ... -
30:15Episode 18
70s+ Class: Range of Motion
Episode 18
Standing & Barre | 30 min
Join Miranda for a workout with an emphasis on range of motion. Now that you are more than half way through this challenge, try to focus on your technique and move with more control.
24:29Episode 19
Season 12 Ep.02: Hip Pain Relief & Stretch
Episode 19
Filmed at Round Hill Hotels and Villas
Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
Level: Intermediate
Pace: Slow
Components: Standing and Barre
Objectives: Flexibility, Stretching, Mobility, Range of Motion, Pain relief
Focus: Lower body, Back, Spine, Calves, Achilles, Core, Groin, Hamstrings, Hips, IT ba... -
Bone Strengthening with Miranda Esmonde-White
Episode 20
Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
Level: Beginner
Pace: Slow
Components: Standing and Barre
Objectives: Balance, Energy Boost, Restore, Healing, Toning, Strengthening, Osteoporosis Prevention
Focus: Full body, Abs, Ankles, Arms, Back, Spine, Butt, Glutes, Calves, Achilles, Core, Feet, Toes, Groin... -
24:48Episode 21
Season 12 Ep.25: Improve your Balance
Episode 21
Filmed at Round Hill Hotels and Villas
Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
Level: Intermediate
Pace: Medium
Components: All Standing
Objectives: Balance, Toning, Strengthening
Focus: Back, Spine, Butt, Glutes, Core, Hips, Legs, Psoas, Quads, Thighs, Ribs, WaistToday’s episode of Classical Stretch...
23:16Episode 22
Season 10 Ep.30: Stress Release
Episode 22
Filmed at Silver Sands Jamaica
Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
Level: Beginner
Pace: Slow
Components: All Standing
Objectives: Connective Tissue, Flexibility, Stretching, Mobility, Range of Motion, Pain relief, Restore, Healing, Relaxation, Stress relief
Focus: Back, Spine, Pectorals, Chest, Ri...