20s | Toning and Tension Release
23 Seasons
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Pace: Medium to Fast
Your 20s: The Formative Years
Transform your body with our 21-Day Toning & Tension Release Challenge!
Designed to strengthen, stretch, and tone every muscle, joint, and ligament — enjoy reduced stress, improved posture, and a profound appreciation for your remarkable body. Through specialized classes and workshops, you'll achieve enhanced muscular strength, increased flexibility, freedom of movement, and an overall sense of well-being!
Download Your 20s 21-Day Challenge 2023 Schedule
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00:53Episode 1
Introduction | 20s
Episode 1
Welcome to your 20s 21-Day Challenge!
Total Core, Leg & Butt Workout with Meg Feeney
Episode 2
Instructor: Meg Feeney
Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Pace: Medium, Fast
Components: Standing and Floor
Objectives: Cardio, Increase Energy, Toning Strengthening, Weight-loss
Focus: Full Body, Abs, Arms, Butt, Glutes, Core, Hips, Legs, Pectorals, Chest, Quads, Shoulders, Thighs, WaistThis fun, y...
33:16Episode 3
20s Class: Strength & Mobility
Episode 3
Standing, Barre & Floor | 30 min
Today’s class with Gail is filled with creative and continuous movement patterns to build strength while challenge your mind and body! Rotate, bend and extend through this functional flow and watch how much easier it is to move throughout your daily life.
Full Body Toning & Body Awareness | 20s Challenge
Episode 4
Standing & Floor | 30 min
Join Alexa for a workout focusing on toning your full body and building body awareness. This class will guide you to mindfully recrui...
20s Workout: Full Body Toning with Gail Garceau
Episode 5
Instructor: Gail Garceau
Level: Intermediate
Pace: Medium
Components: Standing and Floor
Objectives: Energy Boost, Increase Energy, Posture, Toning, Strengthening
Focus: Full body, Abs, Arms, Back, Spine, Butt, Glutes, Core, Hips, Legs, Quads, Shoulders, Thighs, WaistActivate and elongate yo...
Arm Blast & Posture Boost with Sahra Esmonde-White
Episode 6
Instructor: Sahra Esmonde-White
Level: Intermediate
Pace: Medium
Components: Standing and Barre
Objectives: Energy Boost, Toning, Strengthening, Weight-loss
Focus: Abs, Back, Spine, Core, Groin, Legs, Pectorals, Chest, Ribs, WaistThese simple yet powerful strengthening exercises will work to to...
33:34Episode 7
Core Stability with Amanda Cyr
Episode 7
Instructor: Amanda Cyr
Level: Intermediate
Pace: Medium
Components: Standing and Floor
Objectives: Cardio, Energy Boost, Toning, Strengthening
Focus: Legs, Quads, Thighs, Waist, Lower BodyOur core is involved in almost every exercise that we do! We use our abs to help stabilize & support the s...
31:17Episode 8
Tension Release with Meg Feeney
Episode 8
Instructor: Meg Feeney
Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Pace: Slow
Components: Standing and Barre
Objectives: Flexibility, Stretching, Increase Energy, Mobility, Range of Motion, Pain Relief, Restore, Healing, Stress Relief, Relaxation
Focus: Full Body, Ankles, Back, Butt, Glutes, Calves, Achilles,... -
33:43Episode 9
20s Class: Toning & Tension Release
Episode 9
Standing, Barre & Floor | 30 min
Join Gail Garceau for a live Essentrics workout! This workout will be focusing on toning and tension release.
23:16Episode 10
Season 10 Ep.01: Waist Slenderizing
Episode 10
Filmed at Silver Sands Jamaica
Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
Level: Advanced
Pace: Fast
Components: All Standing
Objectives: Balance, Cardio, Energy Boost, Posture, Toning, Strengthening, Weight loss
Focus: Full body, Back, Core, Hamstrings, Hips, Legs, Pectorals, Chest, Quads, Ribs, Shoulder... -
Toning & Body Awareness | Workshop Class | 20s Challenge
Episode 11
Standing & Floor | 30 min
Join Alexa Leon for this educational workshop style class. Workshop classes are designed to help one gain a stronger sense of body awareness within each class, this will help you not only get more out of each exercise but also provide a solid foundation and framework ...
56:37Episode 12
Full Body Toning with Sahra Esmonde-White
Episode 12
Instructor: Sahra Esmonde-White
Level: Intermediate
Pace: Medium
Components: Standing and Floor
Objectives: Energy Boost, Flexibility, Stretching, Mobility, Range of Motion, Toning, Strengthening, Weight loss
Focus: Full bodyThis is a dynamic, 55-minute stretch and strengthening workout based o...
Full Body Strength & Flexibility | 20s Challenge
Episode 13
Standing & Floor | 30 min
This class with Lauren challenges you in the best way – by guiding you to safely work just beyond your comfort zone. This full body workout will create long, lean muscles and improve flexibility in your spine. Get ready to challenge your coordination and keep your whole...
Calorie Burning & Lower Body Sculpting with Gail Garceau
Episode 14
Instructor: Gail Garceau
Level: Advanced
Pace: Medium, Fast
Components: Standing and Floor
Objectives: Cardio, Toning, Strengthening, Weight-loss
Focus: Abs, Arms, Butt, Glutes, Core, Groin, Hips, Legs, Thighs, Waist, KneesThis advanced, full-body toning workout is designed to target the glute...
28:28Episode 15
Relaxation Workout with Alexa Leon
Episode 15
Instructor: Alexa Leon
Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Pace: Slow
Components: Standing and Floor
Objectives: Flexibility, Stretching, Restore, Healing, Stress Relief
Focus: Full Body, Abs, Arms, Back, Spine, Calves, Achilles, Core, Groin, Hamstrings, Hips, IT Band, Legs, Pectorals, Chest, Psoas, Qu... -
34:50Episode 16
20s Class: Lengthen & Strengthen
Episode 16
Standing, Barre & Floor | 30 min
Today, join Gail for a class focusing on working your body to its potential! Today’s workout will fire up your muscles, build strength with control, and challenge you to safely work just beyond your comfort zone.
How to get the most out of this workout: Keep “p...
37:40Episode 17
Arm & Ab Sculpting with Meg Feeney
Episode 17
Instructor: Meg Feeney
Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Pace: Medium, Fast
Components: Standing and Floor
Objectives: Increase Energy, Energy Boost, Toning, Strengthening, Weight Loss
Focus: Full Body, Abs, Arms, Back, Butt, Glutes, Core, Hips, Legs, Pectorals, Chest, Quads, Ribs, Shoulders, Thighs,... -
Full Body Toning & Body Awareness | 20s Challenge
Episode 18
Standing & Floor | 30 min
Join Alexa for a class focusing on toning your full body and building body awareness. This class will guide you to mindfully recruit your muscles so that you can use your body to its full potential all while taking care of it!
39:14Episode 19
Toning & Release | 20s Challenge
Episode 19
Standing & Floor | 30 Minutes
Activate your core, elongate your arms, and sculpt your thighs with this 30-minute standing and mat workout complete with a deep hip and hamstring release.
45:45Episode 20
Cardio Blast with Sasha Alcoloumbre
Episode 20
Instructor: Sasha Alcoloumbre
Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Pace: Fast
Components: Standing and Floor
Objectives: Cardio, Toning, Strengthening, Weight loss
Focus: Full BodyThis 45-minute fast-paced standing and floor cardio workout is designed to tone your full body and boost your metabo...
Ab Flattening & Waist Shaping with Sahra Esmonde-White
Episode 21
Instructor: Sahra Esmonde-White
Level: Intermediate
Pace: Medium
Components: Standing and Floor
Objectives: Energy Boost, Toning, Strengthening, Weight loss
Focus: Abs, Back, Spine, Core, Groin, Hips, Legs, Pectorals, Chest, Ribs, WaistIn this 30-minute standing and floor workout, you will acti...
23:56Episode 22
Season 12 Ep.23: Stretch Your Spine
Episode 22
Filmed at Round Hill Hotels and Villas
Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
Level: Beginner
Pace: Medium
Components: All Standing
Objectives: Flexibility, Stretching, Pain relief, Toning, Strengthening, Yoga
Focus: Ankles, Back, Spine, Calves, Achilles, Core, Feet, Toes, Hips, Legs, Psoas, Quads, Th...