Standing & Floor | 30 min
This class with Lauren challenges you in the best way – by guiding you to safely work just beyond your comfort zone. This full body workout will create long, lean muscles and improve flexibility in your spine. Get ready to challenge your coordination and keep your whole body moving for the next 30 minutes!
Up Next in View Schedule
Calorie Burning & Lower Body Sculptin...
Instructor: Gail Garceau
Level: Advanced
Pace: Medium, Fast
Components: Standing and Floor
Objectives: Cardio, Toning, Strengthening, Weight-loss
Focus: Abs, Arms, Butt, Glutes, Core, Groin, Hips, Legs, Thighs, Waist, KneesThis advanced, full-body toning workout is designed to target the glute...
Relaxation Workout with Alexa Leon
Instructor: Alexa Leon
Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Pace: Slow
Components: Standing and Floor
Objectives: Flexibility, Stretching, Restore, Healing, Stress Relief
Focus: Full Body, Abs, Arms, Back, Spine, Calves, Achilles, Core, Groin, Hamstrings, Hips, IT Band, Legs, Pectorals, Chest, Psoas, Qu... -
20s Class: Lengthen & Strengthen
Standing, Barre & Floor | 30 min
Today, join Gail for a class focusing on working your body to its potential! Today’s workout will fire up your muscles, build strength with control, and challenge you to safely work just beyond your comfort zone.
How to get the most out of this workout: Keep “p...