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Workshop | Common Causes of Hip, Glute & Knee Pain


Up Next in Workshops

  • Alignment Workshop

    Standing & Barre

    Join Gail Garceau for a mini alignment workshop that will focus on knee positioning for lunges and plies to help you get the most out of your Essentrics workouts.

  • Brain Health Workout | Intermediate/A...

    Intermediate/Advanced | Standing, Barre & Floor | 60 min

    Join Miranda for a workout focused on exercising the brain. This workout will stimulate your brain - helping to reverse sluggishness, alleviate brain fog and prevent brain cell atrophy. You’ll also learn how and why specific techniques and...

  • Brain Health Workout | Beginner

    Beginner | Standing & Barre | 35 min

    Join Miranda for a workout focused on exercising the brain. This workout will stimulate your brain - helping to reverse sluggishness, alleviate brain fog and prevent brain cell atrophy. You’ll also learn how and why specific techniques and exercises in the Es...