The Ultimate Stretch Workouts
6 Episodes
6 workouts (2 x 30min., 4 x 15 min.)
Components: Standing, Barre & Floor
Hosts: Miranda and Sahra Esmonde-White
Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Pace: Slow to Medium
Filmed at: Montreal Science Centre
Language: English
Release date: 2015
The Ultimate Stretch Workouts are ideal for anyone who is new to the Essentrics technique. Muscle Activation is the perfect morning stretch to get you going; Muscle Release will help you release stress and unwind. The 4 targeted mini-workouts will keep you pain-free and speed up injury recovery.
Improve: Posture with Miranda Esmonde-White
Episode 1
Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
Level: Beginner
Pace: Slow
Components: All Standing
Objectives: Connective Tissue, Mobility, Range of Motion, Pain relief, Posture, Restore, Healing
Focus: Abs, Arms, Back, Spine, Core, Groin, Hips, Legs, Pectorals, Chest, Quads, Thighs, Ribs, Shoulders, WaistT...
Relieve: Shoulder Pain & Tension with Miranda Esmonde-White
Episode 2
Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
Level: Beginner
Pace: Slow
Components: All Standing
Objectives: Connective tissue, Mobility, Range of Motion, Pain relief, Posture, Restore, Healing
Focus: Back, Spine, Core, Pectorals, Chest, Ribs, Shoulders, WaistFrozen shoulder or any type of shoulder pain a...
Muscle Release Workout with Sahra Esmonde-White
Episode 3
Instructor: Sahra Esmonde-White
Level: Intermediate
Pace: Slow
Components: Standing and Floor
Objectives: Connective Tissue, Flexibility, Stretching, Posture, Restore, Healing, Stress Relief, Relaxation
Focus: Abs, Back, Spine, Butt, Glutes, Calves, Achilles, Feet, Toes, Groin, Hamstrings, Hands,... -
WEDNESDAY | Muscle Activation Workout with Sahra Esmonde-White
Episode 4
Instructor: Sahra Esmonde-White
Level: Beginner
Pace: Slow
Components: Standing, Barre, and Floor
Objectives: Energy Boost, Flexibility, Stretching, Mobility, Range of Motion, Posture
Focus: Abs, Ankles, Back, Spine, Butt, Glutes, Calves, Achilles, Core, Feet, Toes, Groin, Hamstrings, Hips, IT ba... -
Unlock: Feet, Ankles & Calves with Miranda Esmonde-White
Episode 5
Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
Level: Beginner
Pace: Slow
Components: All Standing
Objectives: Flexibility, Stretching, Pain relief, Restore, Healing, Stress Relief, Relaxation
Focus: Calves, Achilles, Feet, Toes, Groin, Hamstrings, Knees, Psoas, Quads, Thighs, ShinsThe foundation of our bod...
Stretch: Psoas, IT Band & Hips with Miranda Esmonde-White
Episode 6
Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
Level: Beginner
Pace: Slow
Components: All Barre
Objectives: Connective Tissue, Flexibility, Stretching, Mobility, Range of Motion, Pain relief, Restore, Healing
Focus: Ankles, Back, Spine, Butt, Glutes, Calves, Achilles, Feet, Toes, Groin, Hamstrings, Hips, Legs...