The Miracle of Flexibility Workouts

The Miracle of Flexibility Workouts

8 Episodes

Discover The Miracle of Flexibility (USA) / The Movement Miracle (CAN), Miranda Esmonde-White's new book designed to be the perfect companion to your Essentrics® TV workouts. Benefit from step-by-step instructions on how to perform each sequence properly and gain a deeper understanding of the primary muscles and joints being targeted for flexibility or strengthening during your routine.

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The Miracle of Flexibility Workouts
  • THURSDAY | Lower Body Toning with Meg Feeney

    Episode 1

    Instructor: Meg Feeney
    Level: Intermediate
    Pace: Medium
    Components: Standing, Barre & Floor

    Objectives: Balance, Increase Energy, Toning, Strengthening, Flexibility
    Focus: Feet, Knees, Hips, Quads, Ankles, Legs, Calf, Groin, Thighs, Butt, Glutes

    Tone your legs, hips and glutes! Join Meg Feeney...

  • Hip Pain Relief with Miranda Esmonde-White

    Episode 2

    Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
    Level: Beginner
    Pace: Slow
    Components: Standing, Barre & Floor

    Objectives: Connective Tissue, Cycling, Spinning, Flexibility, Stretching, Mobility, Range of Motion, Pain relief, Pregnancy, Restore, Healing, Stress Relief, Relaxation, Yoga, Arthritis, Back P...

  • Travel Days Workout with Gail Garceau

    Episode 3

    Instructor: Gail Garceau
    Level: All Levels
    Pace: Slow - Medium
    Components: Standing & Barre

    Objectives: Balance, Cardio, Connective Tissue, Cycling, Energy Boost, Flexibility, Stretching, Mobility, Range of Motion, Posture, Rebalancing
    Focus: Ankles, Back, Spine, Hamstrings, Hips, IT Band, Legs,...

  • Morning Routine with Ellyn Ochs

    Episode 4

    Instructor: Ellyn Ochs
    Level: All Levels
    Pace: Slow
    Components: All Standing

    Objectives: Energy Boost, Flexibility, Stretching, Mobility, Range of Motion, Posture
    Focus: Full Body, Ankles, Arms, Back, Spine, Calves, Achilles, Shins, Core, Feet, Groin, Hamstrings, Hips, IT Band, Knees, Legs, Pect...

  • Increase Your Energy with Gail Garceau

    Episode 5

    Instructor: Gail Garceau
    Level: Intermediate
    Pace: Medium
    Components: Standing & Barre

    Objectives: Balance, Cardio, Energy Boost, Mobility, Range of Motion, Weight loss, Activation
    Focus: Ankles, Calves, Shins, Achilles, Core, Feet, Groin, Hips, Legs, Quads, Ribs, Toes, Thighs

    From Miranda Esmo...

  • TUESDAY | Upper Body Toning with Alexa Leon

    Episode 6

    Instructor: Alexa Leon
    Level: Intermediate - Advanced
    Pace: Slow
    Components: Standing & Floor

    Objectives: Energy Boost, Posture, Toning, Strengthening
    Focus: Upper Body, Abs, Arms, Back, Spine, Core, Hips, Legs, Quads, Ribs, Shoulders, Thighs, Waist

    From Miranda Esmonde-White’s The Miracle of F...

  • Stimulate Your Brain with Miranda Esmonde-White

    Episode 7

    Instructor: Miranda Esmonde-White
    Level: Beginner / All Levels
    Pace: Slow
    Components: All Standing

    Objectives: Balance, Connective Tissue, Flexibility, Stretching, Mobility, Range of Motion, Pain relief, Restore, Healing, Stress Relief, Relaxation, Arthritis, Back Pain, Plantar Fasciitis


  • Beginner Flexibility with Amanda Cyr

    Episode 8

    Instructor: Amanda Cyr
    Level: Beginner / All Levels
    Pace: Slow
    Components: Standing and Floor

    Objectives: Flexibility, Stretching, Mobility, Range of Motion, Pain relief, Restore, Healing, Stress Relief, Relaxation, Arthritis, Back Pain, Osteoporosis

    Focus: Full Body, Back, Spine, Groin, Ha...